Archives for February 2005

Developing Symbian 60 Java Apps on Mac OS X

04 February 2005

You need:

  • Bluetooth for your Mac (built-in or external dongle).
  • Java 1.3.1 (should come with Mac OS X Panther).


  1. Download X11 for Mac OS X (about 40 mb). To install, open the .dmg file and double-click the .pkg.
  2. Download MIDPv103.dmg.gz from the MIDP for Mac OS X page. Create a directory named j2me (all lower-case) in your Applications directory and copy the contents of the MIDP .dmg into it.
  3. Download, a sample j2me program from Sun. Unzip it to any directory.
  4. The zip file includes an already compiled version of the demo that you can transfer to your phone and try. It's in the bin directory, and called demo.jar. Try transferring it to your phone with Bluetooth. You should now see a program called ManyBalls in your menu. If you run, you should see a ball bouncing around the screen. Use the arrow keys to change the settings.
  5. Now, you can try to compile the demo yourself. Launch the Terminal (from Applications:Utilities) and change into the directory where you unzipped For example: cd ~/Desktop/j2me.
  6. Type ./bin/ You should see a message that a jar file was created. You should now see a balls.jar file in the bin directory.
  7. Try uploading balls.jar to your phone (if you already uploaded the pre-compiled demo.jar, delete the ManyBalls program from your phone so you can be sure that the new one works).